Reminders: Presentation | Team Kit and Uniform Return | Raffle | Finals

13 Sep 2024 by Nicole Georgeson

Presentation is TONIGHT!

Primary teams: 5:30pm – 6:30pm 

Competition teams: 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Harry Trott pavilion! Light dinner served.
Parents can attend for presentation of medals and awards 6:15pm and 8:00pm respectively!

Team Kits and Uniform

Can be returned at presentation or Sunday 15 September between 10:30am – 12:30pm.
Ensure that all uniform is returned washed, in good second-hand order and your name is provided.  If we dont tick your name off you have not returned your uniform!

Families who do not return their unform or return their uniform damaged will be charged the cost of replacement.  

All team kits MUST be returned at either presentation or Sunday
even if you require it back for twilight.

We will NOT be reissueing team kits at presentation.

Any one requiring a kit for twilight will need to come to Harry Trott on Sunday 15 September. 

Raffle – Diamonds Tickets
Want to win some tickets to see the Diamonds play the English Roses?

Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $20.

All proceeds go to the Junior Netball Club.

The raffle will be drawn next Thursday 19 September fo the game the following week, Wednesday 25 September right here in Bendigo!

Finals help
As you know the Club caters for the BFNL finals. Tomorrow we also have a BJFL final.  If you have some time to help out tomorrow, Saturday 14 Sept at the QEO please sign up.  You will see that the shifts are quite big but even if you can only do an hour or two that’s okay. Just write that in the comments section.  Thanks!